Current Inmate List
Personal Property
The Meigs County Sheriff's Office offers Residence Checks for Meigs County citizens when they are away. If you would like to apply for a House Check, download the form below and deliver to Dispatch.
It is policy that residence checks for no more than three months and/or 90 days. If you are gone for a period of 1-21 days, attempts will be made daily to check the residence. If you are gone for 22-90 days, attempts will be made twice a week to check the residence.
We have commissary. You must have your order ready by noon on Tuesdays and your order will be delivered on Wednesdays. There is a mandatory $20.00 charge for processing all new inmates. There is also a $2.00 mandatory charge for a hygiene pack making the total $22.00 which will be taken out of our commissary account. Inmates who are indigent may request a hygiene pack at no cost after your initial booking. Upon release, outstanding balances will be returned to you Monday through Friday from 8am-4pm. If you are released after these times, you may choose to pick up your remaining balance or have it mailed to you at your last known address. It is your responsibility to advise the jailer if you want your check mailed upon release.
Inmates are not permitted to have valuable items in their possession. Property found will be confiscated and returned on your release. Upon admittance to the jail all property turned over to the jail officer will be inventoried on your Jail Inmate Record. Your signature is required on the inventory, When you are released your property will be returned to you and your signature is again required. Your signature acknowledges that all items taken from you have been returned to you. Inmates are permitted to possess three whites t-shirts, three pair of underwear and three pair of white socks. Upon your release, you have ten (10) days to pick up or have someone pick up your property. If, after the tenth day your property is not picked up, those items will be disposed of accordingly.
Your attorney or clergyman may visit you at any reasonable time. All other visits are authorized by the officer-in-charge. No visitor under the age of 18 is permitted unless accompanied by their parent or legal guardian or is your spouse, child, or ward. Thirty (30) minutes of visitation allowed per week, per inmate.
Visitation hours are as follows:
Wednesday: 7:00pm-8:30pm
Sunday: 1:00pm-3:00pm
All incoming or outgoing mail may be opened and inspected to intercept contraband or non-permitted items. Incoming mail from your attorney or the court will be inspected in your presence from contraband only. Mail sent to the court will be delivered without delay. Withholding of correspondence will be used as a form of punishment. Incoming mail will be delivered immediately after inspection. No illicit, pornographic, derogatory or immoral mail will be allowed. No letters colored with crayons or colored pencils are allowed. No incoming envelopes will be permitted in the cell block. If an inmate requests an envelope to keep his mail in, one will be provided by the staff. No envelopes or stamps are allowed to be brought in from family for outgoing mail. Envelopes and stamps my be purchased from commissary. Inmates may request writing material and stamped envelopes for two letters per week only if they are determined to be indigent.